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Welcome to Ultimate Hunting Bulgaria. Please take a few minutes and enjoy our website. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. It is never too late for a hunting chat around the fireplace!

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Ultimate Hunting

In Ultimate Hunting, we are dedicated to organizing great hunting adventures in Bulgaria for our precious guests. We hunt spectacular trophy animals and this provides our clients with the best chances of having the trophy that they dream about.


Experience the emotion of seeing a 12 kg trophy Red Stag or closing to that aggressive Wild Boar Keiler. Ultimate Hunting can offer you all of the adventures you can handle.


We are more than happy to provide you with our hunting offers: Service fees for 7 nights/6 hunting days* 1 hunter - 2090 Euro 2 hunters - 1790 Euro 3 or more hunters - 1690 Euro


In Ultimate Hunting, we are dedicated to organizing great hunting adventures in Bulgaria for our precious guests. We hunt spectacular trophy animals and this provides our clients with the best chances of having the trophy that they dream about.

Contact us

Stefan Stefanov

Mobile: +359 882 757510
E-mail: stefanov@ultimate-hunting.net

Follow us on Facebook: Ultimate Hunting

TUSKS - wild boar driven hunting